
Authentic learning situations

We all know that long-winded theory is difficult to digest. Our tools turn theoretical concepts such as communication, leadership, teamwork and sales training into a multisensory, multilayered learning experience. The tools help you create space for enjoyable learning and allow you to develop the sort of learning situations you always spoke and dreamed about.


Leaving a trace

We trainers[1] want to change something, to leave a trace and to help people work effectively. METALOG training tools help you spark lively interaction to create deep learning experiences and authentic emotional responses. This approach is underpinned by modern research into neuroscience, which emphasizes that true learning is only achieved through emotions. People need emotions and relationships in order to learn. You can also leave your mark!


Variety and suspense

Learners hate monotony. They want variety and that tingling sensation between their ears that comes from almost failing before triumphantly succeeding. Neurobiologically speaking, people need “fireworks” in the brain: and this comes from providing opportunities for learning from different positions, sometimes from being fully immerse in the action, and sometimes as the outside observer giving feedback. That is true 3D learning.


Lights on!

METALOG training tools create new, spontaneous, surprising perspectives and eureka moments, allowing hidden competencies to emerge and the development of new approaches to familiar aspects. This gets the neurons in the brain firing, opening up new possibilities for all involved.

More choice: the systemic toolbox

In so many aspects of our lives, we make sure that we have the right tools for the job. The toolbox in the garage is filled with heavy-duty tools for all manner of uses that can work reliably when we need them. But what about your systemic toolbox? METALOG training tools mean you can choose from a broad range of options, reaching into your toolbox of methods to grab the tools that you need to guide your process as you wish. Each of the tools can be adapted to a wide range of groups and topics. Customize the group dynamics as you please, because the right METALOG tool is there for every conceivable learning situation.


Enough talk

As you know yourself, working with groups is challenging and sometimes strenuous. American industrial and organizational (I/O) psychologists place “working with groups” in the same impact category as air traffic controllers who work in an air traffic control tower: long periods of total concentration accompanied by the risk of catastrophe through momentary lapses in concentration.

At the same time, ever since the groundbreaking concepts developed from research in the fields of neuroscience and systemic pedagogy, we now know that the old concept of learning as something that is “imparted” through a “learning funnel” is definitely dead and buried. Our responsibility as trainers is to create the space and room for learning in which people can do the learning themselves. METALOG training tools create such space and room while, at the same time, taking the load off the trainer’s shoulders. The stage belongs to the group!


Glowing feedback

This is why groups and trainers love METALOG training tools so much. Turn your learning groups into learning groupies and use their positive experience of your training as your best marketing tool. Let the wind of feedback fill your sails with energy to sail effortlessly through your daily learning life.

[1] To improve readability, we use the term TRAINER to cover other L&D professions such as facilitator, coach, teacher, professor, and so on.